Volume 98 Issue 9                                                                                                                             September 1998

Written By: Peter Denby, Jr.

"What would Jesus do?"  This is the battle cry for Christians as they try to determine what they should do.  It is also a reminder that we need to pattern our lives after Him.  It can be a good thing as long as we don't allow it to become an icon.  I wonder today, as I look at the elementary school sign with "WWJD" on it, how many people today take the letters "WWJD" seriously enough.  How strongly are we willing to do the research required to know what Jesus would do?  Many people today are willing to follow what is a good idea but are they willing to do the work that is required to be done?  So many times today we see people who are not willing to work to support themselves and their families and who depend on the welfare system.  (Thus the reforms.)  This is one extreme.  Unfortunately there are more people at this extreme than the other extreme of 'over studying.'

    When we consider what would Jesus do, we first should look at His life.

    At twelve, Jesus was doing the work of His Father by teaching in the Temple by asking questions.  Today that might translate into studying the Word of God and into talking to others about Jesus.

    Jesus was a healer.  Remember that Jesus said that He could heal people physically but more importantly He healed people spiritually.  If you drink this water you shall thirst again, but I have water that if you drink of it you shall not thirst again.  That was told to the Samaritan woman living in sin who was at Jacob's well.  We need to be giving life to others by telling them of the salvation available through Jesus Christ.

    Secondly, we need to remember that Jesus lived what He taught.  Can we live that way today?  What Jesus would have done would have been one with a perfect heart, mind, soul and strength.  We are not perfect but must strive to be.  Our example speaks much louder than our words.

    Thirdly, Jesus was concerned for the needs of the people.  Jesus would be helping those that are less fortunate.  We need not only to work in the common areas to assist others but we need to try to work in other, more non-traditional, ways too.  I wonder today whether most of us have ever sat down and considered all the ways that people need help.  The obvious ways are in food, shelter, clothes and finances.  But everyday many motorists break down on the side of the road.  Many of them do not have a way to get help.  Many of you say, correctly, that it is dangerous to help people in big cities today.  Having struggled with this issue for a while now, I would like to look at it from a different angle.

    We are told in the Bible that we have done good unto Jesus when we have done good to the least in this world.  Might these be them?

    Secondly, what is the ultimate goal in helping stranded motorists?  A contact for Christ!  The Bible tells us in Luke 12:4-5 "do not be afraid of those who kill the body and after that can do no more.  But I will show you whom you should fear:  Fear him who, after the killing of the body, has the power to throw you into Hell.  Yes, I tell you fear him."  Many people have given their lives for Christ.  Would it be wrong to stop, help and share the gospel?  I have been in roadside ministry for many years.  I have been scared to work in major cities but have.  In over 15 years of roadside assistance I have never been assaulted (However I am 6' 1", 200 pounds and a little bit muscular.)  You would have to have you own convictions to go forth as a roadside warrior for Christ.

My questions are:

1)  Are we using excuses to get out of the work that needs to be done?
2)  Are we willing to study to really determine - What would Jesus do?

    WWJD is a starting place.  It is a great way to remember that we are indeed servants for Him.  But are we familiar with our job description?  (See 2 Timothy 2:15; Luke 24:47)

    Many of you reading this have a job.  Do you know what is expected of you by your employer/supervisor/boss?  If not you will either learn fast or get fired.  Why do we not take the same approach to our servantship for Jesus Christ.  Most people will work for many employers for between forty and sixty years.  We will be servants for Christ (or the devil) for eternity.  I think of the words in Amazing Grace.   "When we've been there ten thousand years bright shining as the sun we have no less time to sing God's praise than when we just began."

That's a long, long time.
Written By: Peter Denby, Jr.

    Jesus died on the cross for you.  He paid a price He did not owe because we owed a price we could not pay.  We all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23).    Thus all those who don't know Jesus are separated from God and Heaven and thus are going to Hell.  Jesus paid for that sin and now we can be free.  New Hampshire license plates say it correctly, Live Free or Die.  Live the freedom of Christ or die ion your sin.

    What would Jesus do for you?  Teach you about salvation.  Teach you to follow God's plan for al people.  And to work the plan.  Today, if you do not know Jesus Christ, but would like to, and you need to,  call or write to us.  Or find a Christian and get them to teach you the truth about salvation.  Find out about being able to lay your troubles at the feet of Jesus.  And find out -


    You are wanted today.  As a matter of fact you are the center of a war.  Jesus wants you and the devil wants you.  Today is the first day of the rest of your life and you need to choose whether or not you want to spend it with Jesus.  I am reminded here of one of the reasons so many people in America have rejected Jesus.  His concepts of how to deal with life and salvation are foreign to most Americans.  Jesus says that we should pay as we go.  Even to the role we play with Jesus on the earth.  We are to sacrifice now so that we can have an eternal life of pleasure.  The devil runs the biggest credit organization in the world (as well as the biggest scam!).  He says sin now.  Live the way you want.  But the fine print says - payment due at death:  1 sole for eternity in Hell.  Now that is high interest.  Much higher than loan sharking even!  We talk about the need to pay off our high rate credit cards, but realize the interest on this loan is much, much higher than any loan here on earth.  Jesus paid the price for us 1965 years ago.  He deposited our random in 33 AD!  Before you were born your inheritance was established.  You may claim it at anytime prior to your death.  Remember one small problem though.  We do not know when our life will end or Jesus will return.  SO ACT NOW!  Apply for your inheritance now.  You've been pre approved.  Pay the application fee (belief, confession, repentance and baptism).  Then you will see the overwhelming benefits of being accepted as a child of God.

Act NOW, this is a limited time offer.

Gospel Light Ministries, Inc., a non-profit Christian organization, HAS published The Gospel Light, with your support, since July 1984. We would like to thank our supporters, writers and staff.

We would like you to submit articles for us to publish. We want this to be your publication.

May the Word of God be continually preached in all the world until Christ returns to claim his chosen people.