What We Believe

Our Doctrine


It is our task to keep the church true to the divine pattern.


No creed but Christ - No name but the divine - No book but the Bible

No rule of faith and practice but the New Testament

Where the Scriptures speak, we speak - Where the Scriptures are silent, we are silent

In faith, unity - in opinions, liberty - in all things, love

Book, chapter and verse for all that we believe and practice


The Christians of the Church of Christ accept Christ as the Devine Son of God and their personal Saviour, and obey all His commandments, and who take His Word as their only rule of faith and practice.


The Church of Christ is not sectarian, nor is it denominational; it is the Spiritual body of Christ, wherein dwelleth the Spirit of God and the Spirit of Christ (Romans 8:8-15) which is the Holy Spirit (2 Corinthians 6:19)


We have no conference; no Synod; no convention; no council; no pope; no ecclesiastical rule of any kind. We recognize only Christ and His Word in all essential matters, and the autonomy of the local congregation in non-essentials.